perennials - d

Dicentra - Bleeding Hearts

Dicentra canadense - Canadian Bleeding Heart

The Canadian  Bleeding Heart also appeals outside of flowering due to its filigree, fern-like foliage. At the beginning of May flower stalks up to 20 cm high with cream-white flowers rise. Dense stocks form over time. As a location, a spring-damp place under deciduous trees is recommended, which can also dry out in summer. Moves back in early summer.

7,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Dicentra cucullaria 'Carl Gehenio'

It is the earliest variety of this little Bleeding Heart. The characteristic flowers unfold on finely divided, gray-green foliage on stems up to 15 cm high. In American called "Dutchmen's Breeches", the flowers are actually reminiscent of historic dutch pants. With this variety they are white, often with a light pink hint, the flower tip is yellow. As spring progresses, the plants move back in, only to sprout again next year. For semi-shady to shady locations under deciduous trees.

5,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Dicentra cucullaria 'Pink Punk'

This variety was selected by Henrik Zetterlund in the Saddle Mountains in Oregon due to its even pink flowers in nature. Very attractive shape that also comes into its own in the garden. Otherwise everything applies under the previous type.

5,50 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Dicentra cucullaria 'Pittsburg'

This form from nature is also said to occasionally have a slight pink tint, with us the flowers have always remained pure white. It is slightly smaller than the two types mentioned above. Otherwise everything applies to the previous varieties.

5,50 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • only a few available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Dicentra x hybr. 'Love Hearts'

This newly introduced variety of the Bleeding Heart has large, pure white flowers, which are accented pink at the bottom of the "tear". The gray-green foliage, reminiscent of a fern, forms a decorative rosette from which the flowers appear over a long period from June to September. For well drained, humus rich soil in partial shade to shade.

10,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Dicentra x hybr. 'Red Fountain'

An exceptionally rich flowering breed with an extremely long flowering period from May to September and deep red flaming flowers. Attractive, blue-green foliage, compact growth up to 30 cm wide. Humus-rich and well drained soil in partial shade. One of the most beautiful, small Bleeding Hearts.

10,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'

Beautiful and enchanting, a true romantic perennial. This variety has been around for many years but has lost none of its magic. It unfolds like the normal Bleeding Heart their large flower panicles with graceful, white flowers on light green foliage from April to May. In shady and sheltered location, the flowering will last longer, the foliage does not shrink so quickly. At the latest in August, however, the plants will go into their resting phase, in which they should not be disturbed.

7,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Dicentra spectabilis 'Goldheart'

A particularly high-contrast variety of the Bleeding Heart, which was selected by Nori Pope of Hadspan Gardens Somerset in England. It is characterized by bright yellow foliage, which shines strongly in shady plant areas. Impressively works in addition to dark and blue-leaved as well as variegated shadow plants. The pink-like flowers are elegantly attached to long panicles. It is important to protect against direct sun and afternoon sun, goes dormant in midsummer. Flowering time May to June, compact growth up to 80 cm in height.

8,00 €

  • only a few available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Dicentra spectabilis 'Valentine'

One of the best new intoductions in recent years. Large, cherry red flower hearts on dark, burgundy stems over deep green foliage from May to July, very sun-tolerant and robust, attracts as the last bleeding heart until the end of summer. Compact growth up to 80 cm in height. Extremely beautiful and strong in color. In the photo, the variety can be seen next to the pink flowering species, the color difference is very clear.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Dicentra spectabilis 'White Gold'

An improved and very new strain from the USA by Meg and Jim Dalton. Large, pure white flowers over golden green foliage brighten up any shady spot. Very vigorous, compact growth to 70 cm height. Flowering May to June. Impressively works in addition to dark and blue-leaved as well as variegated shadow plants. Much stronger than the old variety "Goldheart". Still very rare.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Dictamnus - Diptam, Burning Shrub

Dictamnus albus

A native and robust perennial for full sunny locations on well drained soil. Slow and compact growth up to 80 cm in height,
gracefully drawn flowers with a strong fragrance from June to July, very drought and heat resistant. The plant becomes very old and mostly survives the planter. It has a phototoxic effect on some people.

5,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Dictamnus albus 'Albiflorus'

This is the white flowering variety of this native and hardy perennial. It needs full sun in permeable soil. Slow and compact growth up to 80 cm in height, pure white flowers with a strong fragrance from June to July, very drought and heat resistant. The plant becomes very old and mostly survives the planter. It has a phototoxic effect on some people.

5,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Disporum - Fairy Bells

Disporum cantoniense 'Moonlight'

This newly introduced variety of the Canton Fairy bell was a natural mutation by Reinier van Elderen in a collection of D. cant. 'Aureovariegata' discovered in Lijnden, Netherlands. The wavy foliage is strongly dark green and silver-white striped, the focus of discoloration lies on the leaf base. The chlorophyll-less areas turn pink in the fall. Compact growth up to 50 cm in height and width.

8,00 €

  • 0,33 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron' DJHC739 - Canton Fairy Bell

A fairy bell with spectacular dark shoots in the spring. Creamy white flowers hang up to seventh at the tips of the shoots. The individual shoots develop quickly and bamboo-like and rise up to 100 cm in height, the foliage is very elegant with long-drawn out tips. Like all other disporum for woody locations in shade to partial shade. Introduced in 2002 by Daniel J. Hinkley, a selection from a 1996 seed collection from Szetchuan.

8,00 €

  • 0,33 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Disporum megalanthum CD&R2412b

An impressive disporum from the mountain forests of Central China from 1600 to 2500 m altitude. One of the hardest, big disporum with a compact growth. Elegant, bamboo-like budding, end height approx. 60 cm. Unfortunately it grows very slowly. Opens the 3 cm white flowers further than other fairy bells. Partly shaded to shady location on humus rich and well drained soil.

8,00 €

  • 0,33 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Disporum sessile f. macrophyllum BSWJ4316

This robust form of the species, which normally occurs only in colder areas in Japan, comes from the isolated Korean island of Ullüngdõ, where it was collected by Sue and Bleddyn Wynn-Jones. From a slender rhizome rise green stems, which branch out in the upper quarter. The foliage is relatively large, up to 15 x 9 cm. The terminal inflorescences consist of several, up to 4 cm long, bell-shaped, white flowers with green tips from April to June. Humus rich, well drained soil in light to full shade. Very robust and impressive.

10,00 €

  • 0,7 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Disporum sessile 'Shiro Shima Fu' (syn. 'Robustum Variegatum')

A strongly variegated species of fairy bells, whose main ornament is the light cream striped, lanceolate leaves. The flowers are partly striped green and not very noticeable. It spreads through stolons and reaches a height of 40 to 60 cm. Humus rich, well drained soil in light to full shade. Very attractive in shadow plantings. Grows faster than other variegated varieties.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Disporum uniflorum (syn. D. flavens)

This is one of the toughest fairy bells. On up to 50 cm high, branched stems unfold from May to June pale yellow bells, which usually stand together in several at the shoot tips. Compact habit, partially shaded to shady.

7,00 €

  • 0,33 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1


Roederstrasze 12

01454 Leppersdorf



Opening Times


15.00 - 18.00

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