perennials   o-p

Papaver - Poppy

The oriental poppy - Papaver orientale - represents a real highlight for us in the garden year. We have always been looking forward to it for a long time; are thrilled when the thick, hairy buds finally open to opulent flower artworks; cut one or the other flower for the vase to have it in the house around us and tell everyone who knows or maybe does not want to know how beautiful this poppy is. A short but powerful eruption of the zest for life!


Of course, all these poppies want a sunny location, we have also had good experiences with partially shaded planting sites. Since they are genetically fixed by the origin of summer-sunlit, Near-Asian mountains, in midsummer, it is recommended that this poppy in groups of max. to plant three specimens. This avoids larger holes in the perennial flowerbed, which would disappear again in the course of September / October. At this time, the re-emergence occurs, which is often maintained over the winter.


Once planted, the oriental poppy likes to linger in its place and not like to move. The deep tap roots save an ingrown plant any castings, but also want to be able to grow undisturbed. Oh well - snails like to let him stand.

Papaver orientale 'Bolero'

A great variety with crepe-shaped petals in purple to raspberry colors, which is slightly silvery overflowing - a very noble combination. Clumpy growth up to 75 cm in full sun to partial shade. Feeds in midsummer, drives in the fall again.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • only a few available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Papaver orientale 'Harlem'

This variety of Oriental poppy convinces with its intense, burgundy-red color and the gracefully wavy petals, which take the flower size and make the flor seem playful. Velvety black juice marks on the flower ground. Flowering period from May to June, remounted in September. Height up to 80 cm. Greater summer resistance, does not completely absorb. Full sun to partial shade. One of the varieties from Elinor de Konig's breeding program.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum'

An older English variety with unusually intense coloring. Blooms in mystical blue red, which lighten over time, but never lose their magic. The bracts edged the flower like historic moss roses. Flowering period from May to June. Height up to 70 cm. Feeds in midsummer, drives in the fall again. Full sun to partial shade. An unsurpassed sensational strain despite its age.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Papaver orientale 'Ruffled Patty'

What a poppy! Double-filled, satin-bred flowers in pink-plum-colored with slotted petals, intensifying violet to the center of the flower. Very large flower with over 20 cm in diameter. Flowering period from May to June. Height up to 75 cm. Feeds in midsummer, drives in the fall again. Full sun to partial shade. An incredible variety.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Peltoboykinia - Shadowstar

Peltoboykinia watanabei - Little Shadowstar

This robust wild perennial is suitable for partial shade to shade. The main ornament is the star-shaped leaves, which are stalked like small umbrellas in the middle. From June to July small, light yellow flowers appear on stems up to 40 cm high. Very compact growth.

7,50 €

  • 0,4 kg
  • only a few available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Persicaria - Knotweed

When it comes to "knotweed in the garden", nine out of ten people turn on the warning lights, the tenth person does not know. But far from it! The garden knotweed offered by us are "tame", that means they grow compact and stay in place. The sometimes spectacular foliage patterns liven up every garden and in late summer and autumn they give off good nectar donors again. All in all - we like it very much.

Persicaria campanulata var. lichiangensis

A charming plant from China with attractive foliage and white flower bells. The foliage is hairy and and looks very elegant due to the significant veining. The flowers appear in panicles above the foliage for a long period from July to November, a true longflowering variety. Compact, for a Persicaria very tame growth up to 1 m in height, for sun to partial shade on not too dry ground.

7,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Persicaria filiformis 'Lance Corporal'

A very beautiful perennial for shade to partial shade. Vividly emerald-green shining leaves carry a clear, black-green V-mark in the middle, contrasting with the dark stems. From September to October long, elegant panicles of small, red flowers appear on wiry stems, which despite their small size are very decorative. Up to 70 cm high. Pretty tough.

7,50 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon'

This tame garden knotweed is also a foliage jewelery of the very first order. The almost black-red leaves turn to dark purple leaves with gray-red V-markings in the middle. At the end of the summer small spikes of white flowers appear at the shoot tips. Bushy growth up to 1m in height and width. For sun to partial shade in not too dry soil.

7,50 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Persicaria microcephala 'Silver Brown'

If you can call a leaf jewelry plant extraordinary, then this. The foliage is lobed on the leaf base and has a long tip. The coloration is spectacular, from silver-green to deep pine-green, with a strongly contrasting V-drawing. Late in summer small flower heads appear in white with light pink at the shoot tips, the main ornament remains the foliage. Compact, bushy growth up to 70 cm in height and width, not proliferating.

7,50 €

  • 0,33 kg
  • only a few available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Persicaria virginiana 'Compton's Form'

This knotweed is another striking foliage plant for partially shaded planting places. Bronze-colored stems carry a variety of large, oval, pointed leaves in shades of jade green to moss green, traversed by brown leafy nerves and in the center with a large, V-shaped, maroon pattern. Bushy and compact growth up to 90 cm in size. Flowers late in the year with narrow red spikes of flowers. Was found by James Compton in Szetchuan. Great with other foliage decorators in not completely dehydrating locations.

7,50 €

  • 0,33 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...


Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Pink'

An enchanting perennial, where visitors to our garden always stop to ask what kind of plant it is. Striking, very large, pink flowers with intense, red veining appear from early July to late August at up to 1 m high stems. At the beginning it stays smaller, with us it became bigger and more attractive from year to year. For sun to partial shade.

7,00 €

  • 0,33 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...


Polygonatum falcatum 'Shikoku Silver' BSWJ5101

A wild find from the forests of Shikoku, Japan, collected by Sue and Bleddyn Wynn-Jones. Long, slender, curved stems up to 85 cm in length, bearing lanceolate, alternate leaves. This foliage bears attractive white stripes, the variety is also known as 'Silver Striped'. Flowering in May to June; white bell-shaped flowers with green tips in drooping axillary tufts. Sun to shade in permeable soil, but should not dry out.

10,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Polygonatum falcatum 'Silver Striped Form'

This rare variety is much more intensely colored than 'Shikoku Silver', but is identical in its growth behavior. Elegantly curved, slender stems up to 80 cm high, which carry the lanceolate leaves with the powerful drawing. A cultivar we got from the nursery Stolz. Flowering in May to June; white bell-shaped flowers with green tips in drooping axillary tufts. Sun to shade in permeable soil, but should not dry out.

Available from August 2019.

18,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum'

This is the variegated variety of the Fragrant Salomon Seal on the leaf margins. It is provided at the leaf margins with a fine, creamy white stripe, which becomes wider towards the tip. The perennial stands relatively low with a height of 30 cm. It is especially attractive in combination with ferns and other shadow shrubs. It is often mistakenly offered as Polygonatum falcatum 'Variegatum', but this has much narrower leaves.

7,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Primula - Primrose

Primula capitata ssp. mooreana

A wild primrose from the high Himalayas with large, round flower heads in velvety dark violet. The leaves are attractively floured. Flowering period from July to September. For slightly damp, not completely drying locations in shade to partial shade on acid to neutral soil.

7,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Primula japonica 'Alba'

The queen of primroses for the halfshadow garden. More humid, slightly damp soil. The pure white primrose flowers with a yellow center are stacked at the optimal location in up to six whorls on 60 cm high stems. Flowering is from May to July. Pruning after flowering.

7,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Primula japonica 'Carminea'

A real treasure for the halfshadow garden. More humid, slightly damp soil. The deep cherry-red primrose flowers are at the optimal location in up to six whorls on 60 cm high stems one above the other. Flowering is from May to July. Pruning after flowering.

7,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...

Primula vialii

An unusual primrose from East Asia with large, orchid-like inflorescences up to 40 cm high from May to July. Locations that are not completely drying out in partial shade on humus-rich soil are ideal. For heavy bar frosts, light covering with brushwood. Ideal with rhododendrons.

7,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1


Prosartes maculata syn. Disporum maculatum

A beautiful forest perennial of the Appalachian Mountains in eastern North America with charming, widely open flowers from May to June. These are pure white with many small, purple spots and hang on the ends of the shoots. At approximately 4 cm in diameter, these are the largest flowers within the Prosartes genus. Compact and very slow growth up to 60 cm in height. Attractive, orange-red berries follow in autumn. One of the most beautiful forest perennials in North America, which will always remain a rarity due to its difficult reproducibility.

22,00 €

  • 1 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...


Roederstrasze 12

01454 Leppersdorf



Opening Times


15.00 - 18.00

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